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“New Year’s Eve Around the World: 20 Fascinating Facts About December 31st”

New Zealand is among the first countries to celebrate New Year’s Eve due to its time zone. In Spain, people eat 12 grapes at midnight for good luck. It's like  If you can finish all 12 grapes within the first minute, you'll have a lucky new year. Sydney, Australia, hosts one of the world’s largest New Year’s Eve fireworks displays. In Japan, Buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times on New Year’s Eve. Brazil’s beaches turn into celebrations with millions dressed in white for peace. Scotland’s Hogmanay festival involves fire ceremonies and a torch-lit procession. In Italy, wearing red underwear on December 31st is believed to bring love and luck. The famous New Year’s Eve ball drop in New York’s Times Square started in 1907. Denmark celebrates by smashing plates on friends’ doorsteps for good fortune. In the Philippines, people wear polka dots for prosperity. South Koreans gather at the Bosingak Belfry in Seoul for a ceremonial bell-ringing. The ancient Romans celebrated Decem...

Interesting Facts #9

1) 60% of the human brain is made of fat, so when you call your friend a fat head, it’s really true!

2) Too much water can kill you.

3) Stop signs used to be yellow because people thought that that colour would get people’s attention the best.

4) Art used to be a competitive sport in the Olympics.

5) In the 10th century men used to be the ones that wore high heels.

6) New York used to be named New Orange in honor of William III of Orange.

7) Dolphins give names to each other.

8) Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories.

9) The oldest “your mom” joke was discovered on a 3,500 year old Babylonian tablet!

10) Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th.

11) Billy goats wee on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.

12) The world record for stuffing drinking straws into your mouth at once is 459.

13) Los Angeles’s full name is “El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula.” It means town of our lady the Queen of Angels of the River Porciuncula.

15) While trying to find a cure for AIDS, the Mayo Clinic accidentally made glow in the dark cats.

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