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“New Year’s Eve Around the World: 20 Fascinating Facts About December 31st”

New Zealand is among the first countries to celebrate New Year’s Eve due to its time zone. In Spain, people eat 12 grapes at midnight for good luck. It's like  If you can finish all 12 grapes within the first minute, you'll have a lucky new year. Sydney, Australia, hosts one of the world’s largest New Year’s Eve fireworks displays. In Japan, Buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times on New Year’s Eve. Brazil’s beaches turn into celebrations with millions dressed in white for peace. Scotland’s Hogmanay festival involves fire ceremonies and a torch-lit procession. In Italy, wearing red underwear on December 31st is believed to bring love and luck. The famous New Year’s Eve ball drop in New York’s Times Square started in 1907. Denmark celebrates by smashing plates on friends’ doorsteps for good fortune. In the Philippines, people wear polka dots for prosperity. South Koreans gather at the Bosingak Belfry in Seoul for a ceremonial bell-ringing. The ancient Romans celebrated Decem...

Psychological facts #10

2) You're 50% more likely to remember something if you speak it out loud instead of simply reading it over and over.

3) Want Kids to behave on road trips? Bring a bag of candy. Anytime they misbehave, throw a piece of candy out the window.😉😂

4) Tie a small piece of fight-coloured fabric to your luggage. You'll be able to spot your bag in no time at the airport.

5) Lick your wrist and smell it. This is what your breath smells like to others.

6) Drink tons of apple juice before you go to sleep. A chemical compound in the juice will help you to have vivid awesome dreams.

7) If you put glow in the dark paint on your phone charger, you will never fumble in the dark again.

8) Wearing headphones do not make your farts silent. Keep this in mind.😁

9) Having trouble sleeping? Looking at photos of other people sleeping triggers a response in your brain that can make you feel more tired.

10) Easy way to wake up: Play a game on your phone! It'll stimulate your mind and get it ready for the day.

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