Interesting Facts about John Cena #1

1) John Cena's full name is John Felix Anthony Cena.
2) The number 54 sometimes used on his merchandise was the jersey number he used in college football. He was a NCAA Division III All-American center on the college football team.

3) Cena first pursued a career in body building. Infact, during his initial days at the WWE, Cena was often asked to cut down his size.
4) For his debut in WWE Smack Down, Cena had a really weired blond hair style and before debuting when Vince Mc Mahon saw him he was; and I quote Cena from an interview he gave to muscle and fitness magazine "disgusted".

5) Cena has starred in 12 films as of now (12th one being filmed as of now).

6) Cena came in 3rd position in ABC reality series Fast Cars and Superstars.

7) Cena has granted over 500 wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses through the Make-A-Wish Foundation; the most in Make-A-Wish history.
8) Before his professional wrestling career, Cena appeared in an advertisement for Gold's Gym.

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