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“New Year’s Eve Around the World: 20 Fascinating Facts About December 31st”

New Zealand is among the first countries to celebrate New Year’s Eve due to its time zone. In Spain, people eat 12 grapes at midnight for good luck. It's like  If you can finish all 12 grapes within the first minute, you'll have a lucky new year. Sydney, Australia, hosts one of the world’s largest New Year’s Eve fireworks displays. In Japan, Buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times on New Year’s Eve. Brazil’s beaches turn into celebrations with millions dressed in white for peace. Scotland’s Hogmanay festival involves fire ceremonies and a torch-lit procession. In Italy, wearing red underwear on December 31st is believed to bring love and luck. The famous New Year’s Eve ball drop in New York’s Times Square started in 1907. Denmark celebrates by smashing plates on friends’ doorsteps for good fortune. In the Philippines, people wear polka dots for prosperity. South Koreans gather at the Bosingak Belfry in Seoul for a ceremonial bell-ringing. The ancient Romans celebrated Decem...

some facts about shah rukh khan

Shah Rukh Khan seems to be one of the busiest actors these days as he is working on multiple projects. SRK is working simultaneously on projects for the small screen and the silver screen.

He would use a very ordinary lighter (the ones that’s readily available in the paan stores) and it is something that hasn’t changed from his college days, when he started smoking.

Shah Rukh Khan’s elder sister lives with him. She hardly makes a public appearance. Shah Rukh and Gauri take care of her. Her name is Shahnaz Lala Rukh Khan and she is a lovely lady who dotes on SRK.

Shah Rukh believes in numerology. All his phones numbers (he, his close staff and family) and his car number plates have a particular combination of five and eight. He won’t use any other combination of numbers. If you find any high-end car near Bandra West (in Mumbai) with a 555 number plate then there is a good chance that the car belongs to Shah Rukh Khan.

Shah Rukh doesn’t use soap (I distinctly remember him telling me this while talking to me a long time back). He spends a lot of time in the bathroom, sometimes two hours at a stretch. He sings in the bathroom too. By the way, Shah Rukh Khan is a terrible singer. He remembers his lyrics well but he doesn’t have sur in his voice πŸ™‚

Shah Rukh doesn’t like taking his clothes off in front of people. Maybe, that is why you will never find him taking a swim in his own swimming pool at Mannat Extension. He is basically a very shy guy. You will notice that Shah Rukh is always uncomfortable when a movie scene requires him to take his shirt off. Do you remember seeing Shah Rukh in a swimming costume? Not yet, ain’t it? He is like that. πŸ™‚

Abram Khan may not be SRK’s son, it could actually be his grandson. There are rumours that Aryan Khan got a Romanian girl pregnant.

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