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Amazing facts about Mathematics
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Amazing facts about Mathematics
Let's dive deep into the ocean of mathematics and explore some of the coolest and mind-blowing facts about this wonderful subject.
There is also a bonus fact for you all at last. So enjoy reading this till last.
So, here we go.
1.Google is all about Mathematics.
- The lifeline of today's time Google derived its name from the word ‘Googol’.
- A ‘Googol' is a mathematical term for a number
1 followed by100 zeros, which reflect infinite amount of search on the internet.
Representation of a Googol —
Let me tell you something about Googolplex also.
A googolplex is 1 followed by googol zeroes.
- There is not enough room in this world to write out a Googolplex.
- If you wrote it out and published it in a volumed series of books, it would weigh more than the entire planet.
2. Shuffling Cards
If you shuffle a deck of cards properly, it's more than likely that the exact order of cards which you obtain has never been seen before in the whole history of universe.
3. Let's explore the magic of number 9.
Take any number of your choice and multiply it with
45 x9=405|4+0+5=9 63 x9=567|5+6+7=18|1+8=9 216 x9=1944|1+9+4+4=18|1+8=9 841 x9=7569|7+5+6+9=27|2+7=9 675 x9=6075|6+0+7+5=18|1+8=9
4. Actual Unit of Time
Yes, I know that you all know unit of time i.e.
But, do you know what is
Answer is “jiffy”
- Jiffy is the actual unit of time for
1100th of a second.
5. Nature loves Fibonacci Sequences.
Spiral shape of sunflower follows the Fibonacci sequence,where adding two preceding number in the sequence gives you the next.
6. Multiplying ones(1) always gives you palindromic numbers.
- You will always get a palindromic number when you multiply any sequences of ones(1).
1 x1= 1 11 x11=121 111 x111=12321 1111 x1111=1234321
You can observe in the above results that our obtained number is starting from
This way you can obtain a largest palindromic number starting from
See this—
111,111,111 x111,111,111=12,345,678,987,654,321
Isn't this amazing?
Note : For anyone who is unaware of Palindromic Numbers,
Palindromic Numbers:- Numbers that remain same when the digits are reversed.
7. Roman Numerals were invented as a means of Trading.
- This form of record-keeping was used as a means for Romans to easily price different goods and services.
- After the fall of Roman Empire, Roman Numerals still continued to be used throughout the Europe.
- Roman Numerals are represented by 7 different letters: I, V, X, L, C, D and M.
Okay! Since, we are talking about Roman Numerals, I want to tell you about one more cool and unanswered fact about Roman Numerals —
Zero is the only number which cannot be represented in Roman Numerals.
- There are total of zero zeros in Roman Numerals.
- Aristotle decided zero wasn't a number because you cannot divide a number by
0. - According to Romans, no numeral existed for
0 because there was no need for a numeral to represent it. - Instead of a Roman Numeral, a Latin word “nulla” would be used to represent
0. Might be because zero would represent null for them.
8. Happy Numbers
Can you imagine? Numbers can be happy too!
A happy number is defined by the following process—
- Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the sum of the squares of its digits.
- Repeat this process until the number equals
1. - Those number for which this process ends in
1 are happy numbers.
How can I forget to give you an example! Just see this—
- Taking
19 as the starting number. 1²+9²=82 8²+2²=68 6²+8²=100 1²+0²+0²=1
Yes! The process is ending in
9. 6 Weeks = 10! Seconds
Here ‘!’ represents symbol of factorial.
10!seconds=10∗9∗8∗7∗6∗5∗4∗3∗2∗1 = 3,628,800seconds. 3,628,800seconds=60,480minutes. 60,480minutes=1,008hours. 1,008hours=42days. 42days=6weeks.
So, there is no need of conversion.
Keeping the value of
11 : The sum of consecutive odd numbers starting from 1 always results in a perfect square.
1+3=4 1+3+5=9 1+3+5+7=16 1+3+5+7+9=25 1+3+5+7+9+11=36
and so on……..
Bonus Fact 12 : William Shank calculated π to 707th decimal place but made a mistake on the 528th digit.
Surprised!!! Yes, this is true.
- Amateur Mathematician William Shank(1812 - 1882) spent a good part of his life calculating this mathematical constant by hand.
- Shank never found out about his mistake as it wasn't revealed until after his death.
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