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“New Year’s Eve Around the World: 20 Fascinating Facts About December 31st”

New Zealand is among the first countries to celebrate New Year’s Eve due to its time zone. In Spain, people eat 12 grapes at midnight for good luck. It's like  If you can finish all 12 grapes within the first minute, you'll have a lucky new year. Sydney, Australia, hosts one of the world’s largest New Year’s Eve fireworks displays. In Japan, Buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times on New Year’s Eve. Brazil’s beaches turn into celebrations with millions dressed in white for peace. Scotland’s Hogmanay festival involves fire ceremonies and a torch-lit procession. In Italy, wearing red underwear on December 31st is believed to bring love and luck. The famous New Year’s Eve ball drop in New York’s Times Square started in 1907. Denmark celebrates by smashing plates on friends’ doorsteps for good fortune. In the Philippines, people wear polka dots for prosperity. South Koreans gather at the Bosingak Belfry in Seoul for a ceremonial bell-ringing. The ancient Romans celebrated Decem...

Amazing facts about Egyptian pyramids

Amazing facts about Egyptian pyramids

One of the most interesting places in the world, Egypt was ruled by the Egyptians about 4000 years ago, creating very beautiful artifacts. An example of this is "The Great Pyramid of Giza". Today we know here some surprising facts about the secret of these pyramids.

  • Scientists have been studying these pyramids for years, but to date, no one has been able to tell how those people brought each piece of these pyramids together and what kind of concrete they have used and how these pyramids are so perfectly aligned.
  • 23,00,000 blocks of limestone have been used in just one pyramid, how difficult it is to move these stones from one place to another, then how difficult it will be to mold them in such good shape. Even then it is so perfectly aligned.

  • The weight of each stone used in these pyramids, ranges from 2700 kg to 70,000 kg, but you will be surprised to know that even modern crane can only carry 20,000 kg to an extent, then 70,000 weight stone can be taken from one place to another!!! It was impossible, but they did it.
  • No one knows how many crypts are in the pyramids, but according to the research so far, three cellars have been found in the - base basement, king's basement, and queen's basement but neither the king's mummy was found in the king's base nor the queen in the queen's basement. Due to which people could not tell why these pyramids were built in real.

  • There is a natural A.C inside the pyramid that controls the temperature of the pyramid, no matter the outside temperature, but the temperature inside the pyramid is always 20 ° C.
  • These pyramids can withstand an earthquake, i.e., shockproof technology was 4000 years ago.
  • If the Bermuda Triangle and the Dragon Triangle are joined with a straight line, they will appear to intersect the pyramid.

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